Sorry it's been a while from my last post. I feel like I'm behind on my updates. Let me start with the biggest one that happened this morning. Ned had today off and for litterally the first time EVER the kids slept in. We were all awoken by the phone that rang at 9 in the morning. It was Ned's cheif. Ned and I have been wrestling with the decision to re-sign with the Navy for about a year now. Ned had a re-enlistment ceremony scheduled for today but decided to cancel it while he was out to sea. We just felt we needed more time to decide what we should do. WEll to make a long story short, ned's cheif called and said that my mistake the ceremony hadn't been canceled. He also informed us of several things that had changed with the re-enlistment protocol and that we would get the best bonus if we did it today. It was the LAST day possible for him to re-sign for this rotation. So we had litterally 10 minutes to talk about it together and decide. That's what I call pressure! But in the end, we both knew what the right thing to do was. Maybe not the most fun thing, but the right thing was to stay in. So we quickly got the kids dressed and we hurried out the door. At 10:15, Ned was honorably discharged from the Navy and re-enlisted. It was a very proud moment for me as I watched him be sworn in. I am very proud to be a military family and I am proud of Ned and all the work he does. I hate the fact that he comes and goes, but life isn't always fair and that's something that I have to live with. I alreceived a letter of recognition for my sacrifice as a Navy wife and that was special to me. Anyway, in a matter of an hour, our lives changed (or rather...stayed the same) but now we are here in beautiful Whidbey Island for another four years. Crazy, but that's the military....the only thing that never changes is that anything could happen at any moment.
The James Family
Friday, May 30, 2008
Ned got home safely! YAY! I picked him up from the airport by myself last Wednesday and it was great. I was so happy to see him. We went to dinner at the Meltin Pot and it was a ton of fun. We had planned on going somewhere else, but changed our minds at the last minute. The Melting Pot was quiet and relaxing and we could just talk.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Some shout outs!
The plane is landing...Ned has made it home safely! I hate not being able to really talk about it until the plane has landed, but I guess it's for good reasons. The whole thing was crazy, because he would write and say were coming home early, then write and say he wasn't for about a week. It was stressful! But now that he's in Seattle, he's catching a flight to Salt Lake tomorrow night for a week of leave and then we'll head home. I have really missed Whidbey Island. It's crazy how you can move around often but no matter where you are, home truly is where the heart is. All I need is my family together to feel like it's home. I can't wait! Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers. It's always appreciated. This deployment has been especially hard one me for a lot of reasons and I wouldn't have made it without you guys! Ok, so I usually try not to name drop, but I thought since this whole expereience is (mostly) over I'd give some some shout outs to some friends that have really helped me!
Breanne- Thanks for always calling and checking up on us. You're amazing....I love you girl!
Sheree- I'm so glad that we share wedding anniversaries! I know I'll always have a shoulder to cry on if Ned's away. Thanks for always being there.
Lorraine- Phone tag or not, you are one of my dearest friends. I can't believe we've been pals since the fifth grade, but your concern for me and my kids is overwhelming. Thanks for never giving up on me!
And for the many Amy's in my life...
Amy E.- Thanks for helping me in my weight loss journey. I have you to thank for sticking with it and not giving up! Also, just thanks for being a great friend no matter where I am in the country!
Aimee- Hey lady! Thanks for understanding me even when our situations are different. I'm so glad that we've stayed in touch since college and that you've let me into your life!
Amy- The best sister ever! Thanks for letting me crash at your place for a while, thanks for coming to help me when I had the flu! Thanks for all your help with the kids and for giving me a break once in a while! Thanks for always listening to me!
And to the best in-law's in the world- Thanks for treating me like a daughter. Thanks for loving my kids and helping me! Thanks for helping me stay close to Ned even when he's far away with your stories and pictures of him!
And last but certainly not least,
To NED! You are my best friend forever. You keep me going even when you're deployed and we don't get a lot of time to talk. You make me want to be a better person, you make me smile no matter what. Thanks for just being you!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Someday I'll laugh at this...
So this picture basicly sums up my life and how I feel 80% of the time. It's not that I don't love being a mom. I do! However, most of the time I'm simply trying to survive....especially when Ned is gone. (which by the way, he's still not back!) Anyway today I was outside with my kids and noticed that Tatum needed some sunscreen. So I went inside Amy's house and in the 30 seconds I was gone, Carson felt the need to jump in the kiddie pool. Keep in mind it was noly about 3 inches of water. But it was enough to soak his clothes. I shrugged it off, knowing I had been careless. Even though my borther in law was outside too, it's just not the same as mom's hawk eyes. Ok, so now I've got Carson out of his sopping wet clothes and reach for a swim diaper. Carson slips out of my grasp and in that 10 seconds, he climbs in again. Gross, because this time his diaper gets soaked. Thanks Carson. Ok, so I have Carson in his swim diaper, sunscreen, sandals...good to go. He plays for a while and then I get him dressed to go inside. Tatum asks me for one little thing outside and I turn around fr not even 5 seconds. Yeah, you guessed it...he went in the pool again with all of his nice clothes, freshly changed AGAIN. I can't figure out if I'm slow of Carson is fast. It's probably a combination. Hopefully I'll get to that point in Motherhood where I don't feel like I need to be five places at once. Does that feeling ever go away? I hope so, but in the meantime, thank goodness for dryers!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The man of the house
Just like sisters!
Tatum and McKenzie have had such a fun time getting to know each other the past two months. Neither one of them have a sister, so it's fun to have a cousin so close in age. They do everything together, including the same preschool. They love to play dress-up. Like today, they were "going to dance class" in thier fancy dresses.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Some great news!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
Sunday, May 11, 2008
What a difference a year makes!
As all of you know, I have been working hard on my weight loss this year. Sometimes I get down on myself and think "I had so much farther to go!". So it's exciting when I find a picture of myself from the past that keeps me motivated to lose more. This second picture below is from the 4th of July last year. (In the pink shirt on the far right) I can't believe how different I look. For all of you working on weight loss...don't give up! It WILL happen!! Obviously I have some more work to do, but I'll get there!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Welcome home Elder James!
Thursday morning we welcomed home Ned's youngest brother, Joe, home from his mission. He served 2 years in Sacramento, CA and we were all excited to see him. It's crazy that Joe is now a return missionary, he was barely 15 when Ned and I got married! Anyway, here are some pictures from the homecoming. Single ladies: Joe's available! (he's the super tall one on the right at the very bottom photo) Welcome home!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all...

Tatum was so cute today in church. I ended up subbing for Amy's Sunbeam class today in her Ward. During sharingtime, we were talking about families and the lady asked the kids what were some things that Daddy's did for families. Tatum's eyes lit up and she raised her hand until she was called on. She proudly said "My Daddy works on a boat!" She was so excited to tell everyone. I know that these deployments are hard on the kids. In a lot of ways, it's not fair that they have to give up Daddy time. But when I get discouraged I think of this quote from President Hinkley:
"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around and shouting that he has been robbed. The fact of the matter is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey...delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
Life sometimes isn't fair, but we can't dwell on what we don't have. It's important to be grateful for what you do have. Even though we spend months apart, I am blessed to have a wonderful husband in this life and for eternity. He is the best person I have ever known. Not to brag or anything, but after six years of marriage, he has never once raised his voice to me. I am amazed at his love and sincerity and commitment to our family. My biggest pet peeve is when someone refers to me as a "single mom" because Ned's out to sea. Ned is such an involved Father no matter where he is. I feel his love and support for me daily despite nautical miles between us. And even though things aren't always perfect and fabulous I will trust in President Hinkley's words. I'm happy to have the ride, it has already been more than I could have ever hoped for despite its imperfections.
A funny story...
Big hugs for Daddy!
What a ham!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
FYI...I was experimenting with my layout and somehow got stuck with this one. I'm not a fan...but it's too late at night to change it. Oh well!
Friday, May 2, 2008
So my little Carson has started talking up a storm! I don't know what happened, but the past two weeks he is a new man. Here are some of his words that he has learned so far!
Tay-Tay (Tatum)
Scott (he says "Cott" but close enough...)
What's that?
What's this?
No (not my favorite one...)
Don't touch
Go, Go, Go!
Thank You
Bye Bye
Anyway those are what come to mind right now. I am so proud of him! Great job, Carson! Also he has started doing the CUTEST thing. The other day, I noticed that he put his grapes down from his plate once we started blessing the food. The next night, I noticed that he was folding his arms, too! So now he stops whatever he's doing and folds his arms for the prayer. Too cute to handle. It really is sometimes.
Free to be three!
So do you remember that McDonald's commercial where there is this girl getting dressed up in a crazy outfit and goes out to lunch with her mom...and runs into another girl in a crazy outfit? That is classic 3 year old girl stuff. I just love it. Tatum is at that fun age where she loves makeup, dress-up and tea parties. She and McKenzie came downstairs to show off thier "ensembles" and it was too cute. All I know is, does that leotard come in my size? Where can I get one???