The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What a week!

First of all, this is not a great picture of my wonderful husband. HOWEVER, in my defense I said to him "I want to take a picture of you for the blog". This was the face he I'm posting it! Ha Ha. I love having a goofy hubby! On another note with Ned, he has had kind of a mystery illness for the past 11 days. He has fever, chills and migraines at night. It's been really rough and we're hoping it's a bug and it will pass in time. Poor guy has been miserable. We took him to the Doctor yesterday and they did a CT scan and bloodwork and luckily it was all normal. So we will have to wait it out. Below are some smiles from the kids. They were being silly the other day and I happened to have my camera close to capture the moment. Most of them are of Tatum, but Carson refused to stay still to take pics.


Jake and Alisa said...

I tagged you!! I miss you guys!

m and a said...

You have very cute kids. Every time I see a picture of Tatum, I think, she is the most beautiful little girl. Hope your hubby feels better soon, it stinks to be sick. Glad everything looks normal though.

Bob Neilson said...

I love you Tatum.


Bob Neilson said...

Hey Carn, you da best! Love ya.

Papa Bob