The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The hamster wheel

It feels like FOREVER since my last post! Seriously, sorry about that. In reality, it's only been about a week...I guess it's just been a crazy week. Anyway when I have a breath (maybe Sunday) I will post pics and blog about the things we've been busy with the last week. Sadly, Ned left on Deployment on Wednesday. It's a short trip, but the months apart are beginning to take a toll on everyone here. I'm just praying for Ned's safety and praying for health and happiness on our end, too. There is a massive flu shot shortage here and none of us have been immunized. I'm so so so nervous that we will end up with the flu and have a huge situation on our hands like we did two years ago when Ned was gone. All I can do is hope for the best. On a lighter note Raegan is growing up so fast and rolling over now. It's amazing to me that on my 3rd baby, it's still such a miracle to see them learn and grow. I have been feeling such gratitude lately just to be a mom and enjoy my kids. I'm really trying to slow down and just enjoy being around these sweet spirits. I'm realizing now how quickly it goes by. I'm very, very grateful to realize this now while Tatum is still so young...I'm planning on cherishing every moment. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll put some pictures of Sunday. Also...stay tuned...I've been working on a sugar project all week and they are sooooo cute! You'll have to wait and see, they're a suprise!