The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Moving time!!

One of the perks for living in military housing is that you get to add a bedroom for every child you have until you hit 4 bedrooms. With baby #3 coming, I was able to get on the list for the 4 bedroom homes here. I was expecting such a long wait and yesterday out of the blue I was offered a 4 bedroom townhouse in the adjoining neighborhood from where we are now. I am thrilled. It just so happens to be right next door to my friend, Cassia too! Yay! I was nervous I'd have to pull off a move before Ned got home, but much to my suprise the house wasn't available until the first week in March. So...Ned will be back to help. I am so excited and feeling so blessed that we are able to get this house with more space for our growing family. The kids will be so happy to have thier own yard and life will be much more comfortable. Pictures and updates to follow soon!


Patty and Kevin said...

Hooray! That will be awesome to have a bigger place. And it will be double awesome that Ned will be there to help. I can't imagine moving without Kevin... but Kerstin, you never cease to amaze me with holding your home together! Congrats!

The Smiths said...

AHHHH!!! Yeah!!!!!!!

Jake and Alisa said...

Yippee! I'm happy for you. More space is always nice.