The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trick or Treat '08

This Halloween was spent with Amy and Scott in Utah. It was so fun to have all of the Neilson cousins trick or treat together. Carson is obsessed with Halloween. He loved going to all the doors and saying trick or treat. Tatum was ahead of the pack this year, determined to get the most candy possible. It was a fun night.

This is Ben, my nephew. He graced the camera with a super cool Power Ranger move!

Tatum and McKenzie are such good friends. I just love that they get to spend so much time together even though we live so far away.

Brayden was "a horse of course."

My little Princess.

This is a picture of all the Neilson cousins. What a shot... two one year olds, two four year olds and a seven year old...all looking at the camera!