The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Some things I am thankful for...

Yesterday was a tough day on a few levels. First, I woke up throwing up with bad morning sickness. I was a little depressed that this pregnancy will probably be like the other ones. I was having two families over for dinner so I managed to just get my house clean and put together some kind of a meal. Anyway, the second thing that was hard about yesterday was that my better half and sweet husband was not here for Turkey. My friend Amy brought over the makings for gingerbread houses and all the kids had a great time putting them together. I had such a nice time seeing the kids create and have fun. It reminded me that whatever our circumstances are...there is always a reason to smile and enjoy life. My other friend, Dianna and her son joined us for dinner also and we had a nice meal together. After dinner we all sat around the table reflecting on our blessings. We had a nice chat about all of our wonderful husbands and how grateful we are for for their sacrifice for our families! Here is a rather abbreviated version of my gratitude list!

  • My AMAZING husband and best friend, Ned
  • Tatum and Carson who give me a million reasons to smile everyday
  • A new baby joining our eternal family is the Summer
  • The great healthcare that my husband's job provides us
  • Living by the ocean that is peaceful and beautiful
  • My WONDERFUL friends
  • The love and support of my family
  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Being able to travel with the kids and give them memories
  • Zofran, Ultrasounds and Epidurals!!!

Well that's just a few things that came to mind today. I appreciate the examples all of you set to me in your life and in your blogs. It is great to be around positive people who are striving to be good people and parents. Thanks for all that you do for me! I have pictures coming from Thanksgiving...


Miriam Lusk said...

Boo for morningsickness! That is so not fun. I didn't even know you were prego! That is so exciting. Way to be brave and tough.