The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Halloween Suprise...

I have debated on when the right time would be to tell you all of our Halloween I figured now is as good as any...I'm expecting a new baby in the Summer. Although this was a bit of a suprise, I am happy about it and excited to enter this new chapter in our family's life. I am a bit worried because severe morning sickness holds me prisoner for about 5 months. So far, I haven't been too sick, but it's also too early to tell if it will get worse. It seems with every deployment I have a new trial and have to deal with it while Ned is away. This will be by far the most difficult hurdle I will have to surpass. It's hard having him away when I'm in perfect health....let alone sick, pregnant and trying to be a mom and dad to Tatum and Carson. So I guess I'm posting this because I could sure use the prayers and support of my friends during the hardest part of the pregnancy. It's hard that it's almost taboo to talk about a pregnancy in the beggining...and that's when I need my friends the most. So I'm throwing caution to the wind and putting it out there. I am so grateful for my friends and family and especially for the chance to be a mom. As hard as it is, motherhood is the greatest blessing in my life. Everytime I see my children, I am reminded of our eternal nature and divine potential. It is worth and and every price I must pay to experience that true joy. But in the meantime, I have to just get through the next 3 months without my sweetheart and know that this, too shall pass.


Anonymous said...

The Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle. You are a great mom. I'll keep you in my prayers though. Let me know what I can do to help. Move to Kansas City and I will be your Doula. LOL :)

Kalie said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you!!

The Meyers Family said...

I am so excited/sad for you. I know how sick you get with pregnancies so I am going to try and pray for you everynight. I am excited however that you are going to be the mother of another child. You are a fantastic mom and your kids are so lucky.
Sorry that I have fallen off the grid lately I just have been trying to deal with myself if that make any sense. Anyway. I wanted to make a new blog for people that really care about me and I care about them so I did and like I promised REE REE I am posting at least every other day and I will be expecting to hear from you. Remember I do know where you live mwahahaha