When did I become so old? Not that my actual age is that old, but I just feel like a "Mom", you know? It was too long ago that I was in high school. Or even married without kids. But now I'm a mother of two, who like to make jam and pick berries. I feel satisfaction in getting all of the beds made in the house and the laundry folded. I enjoy swapping recipes and sharing secrets of baking that "perfect pie". I like to dust. My purse is forever filled with goldfish cracker crumbs and I always seem to have a juicebox on hand. There are band-aids in my glove compartment, and anti-bacterial solution in every corner of my house. It seems like every other day I'm making a meal for someone or having the missionaries over or babysitting for the relief society. Thank goodness I haven't resorted to "Mom jeans" yet- as that would be a tragedy! But seriously, I had an experience last week where this young mom was talking to me and it dawned on me that she was kind of looking to me for advice on motherhood and marriage. I then realized that I wasn't the young teenage bride anymore. I am deep in the trenches of motherhood and church service. That's how I remember my Mom being and it's kind of scary to me. Am I really ready for all of this? When did I suddenly become the voice of reason for someone else? But for the first time in a long time, I realized that I really like where I'm at and what I'm doing. The things I do everyday are fun for me, and I enjoy them. I love being a mom and a wife. So bring it on, everybody! You never know...I might pick up sewing next!
Or I might not.
Hey Kerstin! How are you guys? I miss seeing you! I know you like doing recipes and all that fun homemaking stuff! I love it! I wanted to share with you this website. It is called the pioneer woman. I am not sure if you have heard of it or not! It is awesome. She has some great recipes, photo tips and fun stories. You will have to read their love story. I couldn't stop reading it! Its amazing! Hope all are well! Love, Lydia
Well I guess I am being an airhead tonight... I am at work.. so that should explain it! LOL... the website is.. www.pioneerwoman.com
OOPS!!! www.thepioneerwoman.com promise last time!!
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