The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Have I mentioned before I have fabulously talented friends? My friend Cassia took some pictures of my babies and I thought they turned out great. I am often intrigued by family photos. They are what I refer to as a "Red Carpet Moment". You know, everyone is dressed nice, and matching. Everyone seems happy and problems are few and far between. Sometimes I wonder what family pictures would look like if they captured a glimpse of everyday life for us. The kids dressed in the outfit they insisted on wearing. The kitchen strewn with cake stuff and looking tired and rocking out my favorite apron while chasing around Raegan who is now into everything. That probably wouldn't match my living room furniture, so instead we got all dressed up and for an hour....pretended that we always match and have our hair fixed. But either way, my kids and my family keep me going to continue to do my best...even I may not always look my best. : ) Love you guys. You are Mommy's sweeties.