The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fun with frosting and a bit of a ramble

I realize that I do a lot of posts. I think I am kind of obsessed with blogging. But there's a few reasons. This is a great way for Ned to keep up on what we're doing when he's deployed. Also, I'm ordering a PDF of this blog for each of my kids for them to keep. It serves as my journal, my children's baby book, their scrapbook and our family history. convenient is that? I want my kids when they are older to be able to look back through this blog and know that they were important and hopefully they will remember doing some fun things. Also I want them to have a glimpse inside of who I am as a person. I don't want them to ever think that I put on a front of not having any problems. So I try and put myself out there and be real. So I know that cyberspace really could care less about the little things we do everyday. But I do, so I will keep posting 'till the cows come home.... OK just had to clear that up. Anyway yesterday I made some mini cupcakes for the kids to decorate. They had a great time. I have discovered that decorating cookies and cupcakes is INFINITELY easier when using a pastry bag. It's so much less of a mess and the kids like the different decorating tips, too. Plus it ends up being a lot less frosting than if you were cover it all with a knife. Less sugar=less insanity at the James house.