The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas thought...

My Dad emailed me this message from President-Elect Obama while speaking to service Men and Women in Hawaii. It touched me and I thought I'd share it with all of you.

"This holiday season, their families celebrate with a joy that is muted knowing that a loved one is absent, and sometimes in danger," Obama said in the message, set to air Saturday morning. "In towns and cities across America, there is an empty seat at the dinner table; in distant bases and on ships at sea, our servicemen and women can only wonder at the look on their child's face as they open a gift back home."

Merry Christmas Ned/Dad. We love you. We miss you. We pray for you!


Patty and Kevin said...


You are an incredible wife and mother! I think you are amazing to be holding your family together while Ned is away. I think I would give up and just fall apart. Merry Christmas and you and your family are in our prayers!