The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don't worry I'm still around...

Wow, I'm tired. We just got back from an impromptu visit to Salt Lake City. We went there as a fun surprise for Ned's Mom. It was great to see family and friends. Right now I'm knee deep in laundry, luggage, Halloween candy, and did I mention the laundry? I have a to-do list that is getting longer by the minute! I have so many cute pictures from Halloween that I'm dying to post. It will have to wait a couple days, but I will have them up by the end of the week. I hope everyone had a great Halloween and also enjoyed today's election! Political differences was a fantastic day in history. I'm proud of America, and I'm proud that my hubby serves this great Nation. Updates soon!