The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

One of those days...

Have you ever had one of those days? Ok, we all have had them I'm sure. Today was one of them for me. I had traveled with the kids for over 13 hours to get home to Washington yesterday. The kids were ok during the trip, but it was still a long day. So today I woke up and I just felt like nothing was going right. The kids were tired and grumpy in church and I wasn't bringing my A-game for Primary, that's for sure. I was exhausted and I felt like all the kids could tell that I could barely talk straight. Then when we got home it just went from bad to worse. Cranky kids, plus a cranky mom isn't a good mix. I just felt like everything I was doing was somehow wrong and and making it all worse. I don't know about all the other moms out there, but the hardest thing for me to get used to is that no matter what is going on in your life- the kids still need to be fed, changed, clean and happy. They still need attention and they don't understand all of the various things going on in our lives. Every once in a while I wish that I could take a mental health day and stay in bed and just watch old movies and eat popcorn and just think about me. But alas, that will probably never happen. Motherhood is one of those 24 hour a day jobs that gets no sick days, paid vacation or early retirement. I guess that's what makes it the most rewarding, though. We put all that we have emotionally, physicaly even financially into our kids. But despite all of my efforts, there are some days where I wonder if I will ever cut it as a Mom. Like today, I would have guessed no. But luckily tomorrow is a new day and kids are both forgiving and resiliant. If only the dishes, laundry, floors, closets, dust, and bathrooms were too!


Miriam Lusk said...

haha you are right, it would be amazing to have a day to yourself. Give it 17 years.. plus or minus :) You are doing a great job.

m and a said...

I know how you feel. That is a great picture, some days are just like that.