The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Tatum has been so brave this week while she's been down with the flu. Through it all, she has still managed to be a big helper for me. I decided to reward her with something new. For weeks, she as been eyeing these Hannah Montana purses in the shape of a guitar. In some background information, Ned loves Guitar Hero. So he has two controllers for the game and Tatum would get one controller and Ned would get the other. It was so cute to watch the two of them bond and have fun. So when she saw these purses, she not only is reminded of Guitar Hero...she remembers how special her Daddy is to her and how many wonderful times they spend together!

Ok, you all know I'm a huge product plugger. I promise I'm not getting paid secretly to do this or anything. HOWEVER, I just have to publicly thank whoever invented the thin strip cough medicine. Liquid medicines and my children are like oil and water. They don't mix. So anyway, if you are ever needing to try something new, give these a chance because they really worked for Tatum. She hates medicine. I will not lie...she didn't like the taste. But, you just put it on thier tongue and let them immedietly swallow some water with it and it's a lot less messy and a lot less stressful than nasty smelling liquid spilling everywhere, sticky clothes. Sticky hands. Stick hair...need I go on with the stickiness? Plus, they work really great. I really try hard not to give my kids a lot of medicine. I am kind of into the herbs and natural stuff. But hey, if your baby girl has the flu, she has the flu and needs some cough medicine.