The James Family

A smile happens in a flash...but its memory can last a lifetime.

Friday, January 18, 2008

For those who suffer migraines in the world, you all now have my sympathy! Yesterday was a long day with the kids. It's actually been a long couple of weeks. They have really been doing this sibling rivalry thing and it's getting really stressfull for me. If Carson has a toy, then Tatum needs THAT toy. If Tatum goes down the stairs first, Carson has to race to the stairs to beat her. If one has a yellow sippy, the other one needs a yellow sippy. I'm sure all those with kids out there know what I'm talking about, and are probably getting a kick out my inexperience in this matter and the fact that I'm letting it get to me is laughable. Anyway, moving on with the story...I decided to take Tatum out to K-Mart after dinner last night. As soon as I walked through the door to the store, it was like I was going blind. I had tunnel vision, I saw flashing lights in a zig-zag pattern. I would pick up a toy or something and could't make out the writing on the package. It was really kind of scary. I didn't know what to think. After about 10 minutes, I put Tatum back in the car and made it home ok. (I want to stress that the darkness from outside actually helped my eyesight, I would have never driven home if I couldn't see...) Anyway as soon as I got home, this terrible spinning headache happened and lasted a good 3-4 hours. It was awful. I felt sick to my stomach and I felt like my head was going to implode! My sweet husband did some research on the internet and diagnosed me with a "classic migraine" that includes the visual impairment about 30 minutes before the migraine strikes. Anyway I was able to finally fall asleep and this morning I feel like someone hit me over the head with a cast-iron pan. But for the most part I am doing better today, and I'm trying to not let the kids stress me out!